Forensics & Incident Response
Our Digital Forensics service specialized for Rapid Incident Response.
Have you recently been in a cyber attack of any sort? Be it Ransomeware , malware infestation or some insider attack and are left with questions?
Using advanced technologies and best practices, we help organizations to quickly answer intrusion questions related to malware, ransomware, and account takeover. We carefully assist SOCs, MSSPs or even independent consultants, and/or law enforcement answer their hard investigative questions, such as “What did the attacker do?” and “How did they get in?
Our analysts are skilled in the process of Artifact collection, preservation and Analysis. Whatever way the artifact exists in your host machine or networks, we can collect all of the following and analyse them for your forensics investigation or Incident response teams:
Volatile data (including running processes, open ports, logged-in users, active network connections, and DNS cache)
Malware persistence mechanisms, including startup items and scheduled tasks
User activity, including what programs they ran, web activity, and logins
Metadata from all files on the system