About us

DeltaGRiC offers myriads of top-notch cyber security services by leveraging best-in-class technologies and best practices to safeguard your organization from cyber threats.

We offer Cyber Security Consulting and Advisory Services, Managed Detection and Incident Response for SMEs, Large Enterprises and Government as well as boutique Cyber Security Training at Operational and Executive levels.

Our Mission

Safeguard the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of our customers’ Data Assets & Information systems.

Our Vision

To Foster a robust culture of cyber security hygiene, and compliance in the organizations we work with.


  • DeltaGRiC launches Triaton – a unified Security Threat Detection and Response Platform
  • DeltaGRiC announces the successful integration of Triaton with Sentinel One

Data Privacy

Privacy Policy of our Website

This website privacy policy describes how we process the information we collect and/or receive from you.

DeltaGRiC may collect, receive, record, organize, collate, store, update, change, retrieve, read, process, use and share your Personal Information in the ways set out in this privacy policy. When we perform one or more of the aforesaid actions with your Personal Information, we are deemed to be “processing” your Personal Information (and “process” has a corresponding meaning).

Should you have any concerns regarding any aspect of this privacy policy as it relates to your Personal Information, please discontinue your engagement with our website, and/or contact our Information Officer on details provided herein.

We may, however, where permitted or required to do so by applicable law, process your Personal Information without your knowledge or permission, if sufficient grounds of justification are present, and we will do so in accordance with the
further provisions set out in this privacy policy.

“Personal Information” refers to private information about an identifiable living natural person or, where applicable, an identifiable existing juristic person. Personal Information excludes information that does not identify you (including instances where that information has been de-identified so that it is incapable of identifying a person). The Personal Information that we collect about you may differ on the basis of your engagement with us or our services or products and services that you provide to Convergence.

We collect and receive information about you in the following ways:

Information you give us

This includes any information that you provide to us directly:

when you sign-up to utilize our services;
by filling in forms on our websites, or those provided to you;
when you enter a competition, promotion or complete a survey;
by posting comments or content on our social media pages; or
when you contact us or we contact you and you provide information directly to us.
What personal information we collect

When you register to use our services or apply to join our Cyber Security training programme, you may be required to provide us with the following information, your:

name and surname;
contact number and email address;
physical address;
identity or passport number;
date of birth , or
other relevant data.
Information we collect or receive when you use our website or social media platforms

We collect information when you use websites or social media platforms and other technologies. Depending on how you access and use websites, we may receive:

login information;
information we infer about you based on your interaction with products and services;
device information (for example the type of device you’re using, how you access platforms, your browser or operating system and your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address);
location information.
Information from third-party sources
We may receive additional information about you that is publicly or commercially available and combine that with the information we have collected or received about you in other ways.

We use the information we collect and receive for the following general purposes:
to provide you with information, products or services you request from us;
in order to refer you to an appropriate third-party service provider;
to communicate with you;

We don’t sell your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes.
We may share information with:

our affiliates, in other words, other companies related to us;
we may disclose your personal information to a limited number of our employees and third party service providers (other than those whom we refer you to), whom we assist you to interact with;
our business partners. We may share non-personally identifiable information with select business partners;
other parties in response to legal process or when necessary to conduct or protect our legal rights;
companies that provide services to us. Companies that provide services to us or act on our behalf may have access to information about you; and
third-parties where you provide consent. In some cases, third-parties may wish to attain information about you in order to promote their products to you, or for whatever other reason. We may share information with third-parties where you provide consent in the form of an explicit opt-in. Before we ask you to opt-in, we will endeavour to provide you with a clear description of what data would be shared with the third-party. Remember that once you have opted in to allow us to send your information to the third-party, we cannot control what they do with your data; therefore, be sure to investigate their privacy policies before providing permission for us to share your information.

You have the right to ask us not to contact you for marketing purposes. You can exercise this right at any time by using any of the various “opt-out” options that we will always provide to you when we communicate with you. We won’t send you marketing messages if you tell us not to but we will still need to send you service-related messages.

We want to make sure that any data we hold about you is up to date. So, if you think your personal information is inaccurate, you can ask us to correct or remove it.

We will retain your personal information only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy policy or to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

The security of your data is important to us. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. However, we do employ a number of safeguards intended to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or disclosure of your information. We will do our best to protect your personal information and we will use up-to-date technology that will help us to do this.

We are based in and operate from South Africa. Your information, including personal information, may be transferred to and maintained on servers located outside of your country of residence, where the data privacy laws, regulations and standards, may not be equivalent to the laws in your country of residence.

We might transfer your personal information to places outside of South Africa and store it there, where our suppliers might process it. If that happens, your personal information will only be transferred to and stored in country that has equivalent, or better, data protection legislation than South Africa or with a service provider which is subject to an agreement requiring it to comply with data protection requirements equivalent or better than those applicable in South Africa.

Your use of our website, followed by your submission of information to us, represents your consent to such transfer.

We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.


Our website or social media platforms may contain links to and from websites, mobile applications or services of third parties, advertisers or affiliates. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other parties and advise you to read the privacy statements of each website you visit which collects personal information.
To the extent the law permits, we may, in our sole discretion, amend and update this privacy policy from time to time, without notice. Any changes that we may make to our privacy policy will be posted on our website and will be effective from the date of posting. If you continue to engage with us, provide products or services to us or access or use our website and/or products and services after the amendments are made to the privacy policy and displayed on this website, you will be deemed to have accepted the updated privacy policy.

You may at any time request:

confirmation that we hold your personal information;
access to your personal information;
the identities or categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed your personal information; or
that we correct or delete any personal information that is incomplete, misleading, inaccurate, excessive or out of date.
Requests may be made in writing to the Information Officer at [email protected]

Should you feel that your rights in respect of your Personal Information have been infringed, please address your concerns to the Information Officer. If you feel that the attempts by DeltaGRiC Consulting to resolve the matter have been inadequate, you may complain with the South African Information Regulator by accessing their website at https://www.justice.gov.za/inforeg.


Code of Conduct

We, DeltaGRiC Consulting (“Organization”) members of staff, employees and management, have read and accepted the following ethical responsibilities to the Organization, coaches, clients, society, and to our fellow professionals. The following serves as our Code of Conduct (“Code”). This Code is intended to promote the highest level of conduct of all our activities in accordance with high standards of integrity and in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Noncompliance or violations of the Code may lead to disciplinary actions, including termination or expulsion.

Work environment

We will, at all times, act with integrity, comply with laws, maintain a professional work environment and comply with Organization policies. We will always treat customers, colleagues, and partners ethically. We will avoid any action that may discredit our Organization or our professions. We will not only to do what is legal, but also what is right.

Protecting company assets

We will protect company assets, including physical, intellectual, and electronic or digital properties. Caution should be exercised while preparing, maintaining, and disclosing accurate records, protecting external communications, use of property owned by others and our own facility.

No one stands alone

We will strive to create genuinely welcoming environments where each person is treated with equal support and respect, regardless of title, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, political affiliation and/or or economic background. We nurture and maintain a diverse academic community. At every Organization event or educational program no person shall stand alone: it is each person’s responsibility to welcome a solitary individual into the group. We strive to foster community among our colleagues, peers and students.

Integrity, confidentiality, and trust

We believe we work best in a culture of trust and are committed to fostering and maintaining such a culture. The nature of our work gives us access to information that may not be available to others. It is our responsibility to ensure the security of all confidential or personal information and materials entrusted to us. We always expect members and students to perform their jobs with integrity and to conduct themselves ethically.

Open & honest communication

We maintain open and honest communications for the benefit of maintaining personal and professional integrity. We welcome members to share their opinions and experiences with our colleagues, peers, and fellow students with the aim of providing the best possible solutions/services without judgement whilst maintaining privacy and confidentiality wherever applicable.

Diversity and inclusion

We value and embrace diversity in all aspects of our activities and respect others without regard to equal support and respect, regardless of title, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, political affiliation and/or or economic background. We believe in diversity of thought, support affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs. We refuse to engage in or tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. We are fully committed to help develop and educate underserved, underrepresented and diverse talents in cyber security; help them learn and develop a successful career.

Responsibilities of Members

Members are committed to:

  • Develop the next generation of talent by utilizing personal networks; expand and build the relationships; help develop underserved, underrepresented groups and increase diverse talents in cyber security
  • Fostering innovation, acknowledging the ideas and contributions of every student around us
  • Practice a culture of appreciation; celebrate and recognize each other’s accomplishments and contribution to the society
  • Utilize our time, skills, and talent to support each other in identifying options, finding solutions, and taking action that make a difference in our students’ journey and help everyone who cross our path to grow, thrive and succeed
  • Build and maintain trusted partnerships with clients, sponsors, and community to support and ensure positive and productive collaboration
  • Respectfully and responsibly use our experience and knowledge of technology to make a positive contribution to our global community and society
  • Ensure the safety of the students always and every student is well informed and prepared for each activity /program
  • Ensure a physically, mentally and emotionally safe environment for all

Responsibilities of Employees

  • Abide by the Code
  • Focus on collaboration, not competition.
  • Maintain ethical relationships both within the Organization and with external institutions
  • Honor individual and group confidentiality to ensure a safe environment for sharing knowledge, experiences and solutions
  • Use respectful language, manner, tone and problems solving skills in all interactions
  • Ensure, when working with others outside of a training environment, that the sponsor /coach is fully aware of, and understands, the work being done external to the Organization
  • Honesty is paramount. Never share passwords or misrepresent of credentials, status, titles, affiliation or authority in any way. This behaviour will immediately lead to disciplinary actions.
  • Only use internet facilities to access appropriate information needed for conducting work and learning purposes and never for any inappropriate usage.

Attendance and absence

Employee are expected to be regular in attendance and delivery of tasks, whether they be hybrid or remote or onsite . Absenteeism and tardiness hinder other activities in the organization. Employees who are unable to attend the sessions due to illness or an accident should notify their coach, if any employee doesn’t report to their duty post for three continuous day without notification, then the members shall decide any disciplinary action based on the severity of the issue.


We are committed to ensuring that our students, staff, members, etc. can carry out their assigned duties in an environment free from discrimination on the basis of gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability, and free from harassment of any conduct, comment, gesture, graphic or contact that is likely to cause offence or humiliation. We respect and recognize that everyone is entitled to work in a harassment-free environment. Any display of physical anger, sarcasm, ridicule or belittlement, whether in private or in front of a group is intolerable, unacceptable, and any noncompliance will lead to disciplinary action where board members’ decision is final.

Substance abuse

Distribution, possession, sale, utilization, being under the influence of or purchase of controlled substances on Organization/ client property is strictly prohibited.

Conflict of interest

We believe it is the responsibility of all of us to avoid conflicts of interest by ensuring that our business decisions, transactions and/or relationships do not place personal interests ahead of those of the firm, clients, colleagues, profession or the public. We will use the utmost discretion before participating in personal social activities with clients, and refrain from any insider trading or paying /accepting any financial incentives for any favoritism.

Anti-bribery and corruption

The relationships that we have with clients and other third parties are critical to our reputation.

It is important that we use our individual position or affiliation with our firm appropriately. Gifts, favors, that could in any way influence, or appear to influence, business decisions in favor of the provider or recipient and should be declined.

Professional misconduct

‘Professional Misconduct’ means any action which is unethical, unlawful or is contrary to the specific values and guidelines laid out in the Code. We pledge that we have ZERO tolerance to racism, prejudice, prejudice, bullying and committing to elimination within all humanitarian work environment, operations, educational program or events. In instances of professional misconduct – as described in this Code, and according to the laws and regulations of the state – any complaint shall be dealt with in the strictest of confidence and as swiftly as possible. Should anyone a part of this organization be accused of professional misconduct, there shall be an immediate investigation of the incident and a report shall be made to the relevant authority. Anyone who exhibits such a behavior results in mandatory expulsion and the Board members’ decision is final.
If you are still unsure what to do or know about any potential violations, you should approach your coach/board member. You can also send an email to [email protected] to report any violations.



Bribery, Corruption and Fraud Policy
Our Ethics, Company Commitment and Sustainability Oath

  • DeltaGRiC Consulting is committed to conducting business ethically and honestly and to implementing and enforcing systems that prevent all forms of bribery, corruption, and fraud. DeltaGRiC has zero tolerance for bribery and corrupt activities. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships we build with our employees. DeltaGRiC Consulting will constantly uphold all laws relating to anti-bribery and corruption and adhere to the applicable Social Standard requirements in combating any form hereof.
  • To whom does this policy apply?
    This policy applies to all employees, managers, and owners of DeltaGRiC Consulting, including temporary or contract employees. Employees must ensure that they do not become involved in any way in the payment of bribes. This policy sets out the minimum standards (ILO conventions and recommendations, or any other relevant legislation that might be applicable) to which all employees of DeltaGRiC Consulting must adhere at all times.
  • To Definitions
    Bribery can be described as giving or receiving anything from any person (usually money, a gift, loan, reward, favour, commission or entertainment) as an improper inducement or reward for obtaining business, employment or any other benefit. Bribes can therefore include, but are not limited to:

    • gifts and excessive or inappropriate entertainment, hospitality, travel and accommodation expenses;
    • payments, whether by employees or business partners such as recruiters, labour service providers or consultants; and
    • other ‘favours’ provided to supervisors, such as making unwanted advances, payments or promises.
  • Company Commitment
    All employees of DeltaGRiC Consulting must adhere to the company ethos of bribery and corruption. No employee or manager will be allowed to take part or become involved in any form of bribery, corrupt behaviour, or fraud, including the following:

    • Offer, pay, or give anything of value to any person through which one will unethically gain something in return which is not provided for in terms of their employment contract.
    • Attempt to mislead or induce any person to do something illegal or which goes against the company policy.
    • Mislead or intentionally lie to any person to gain an advantage above and beyond their employment agreement.
    • Violate any rules by shifting blame or responsibility onto another employee/person.
    • Fraudulent practices against the company ethos or legislation.

DeltaGRiC Consulting is committed to removing and combatting any inappropriate behaviour immediately and will not tolerate such behaviour from employees, managers, or customers/clients in any way or form. This policy binds the company to its commitment to regularly discuss and mitigate factors related to bribery, corruption, or fraudulent behaviour.

more insights


DeltaGRiC offers myriads of top-notch cyber security services by leveraging best-in-class technologies and best practices to safeguard your organisation from cyber threats. We offer Cyber Security Consulting and Advisory Services, Managed Detection and Incident Response for SMEs, Large Enterprises and Government as well as boutique Cyber Security Training at Operational and Executive levels.